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Professional football in a sentence

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Sentence count:35Posted:2024-09-01Updated:2024-09-01
Similar words: professional baseballprofessionalprofessionallyunprofessionalnonprofessionalnon-professionalprofessionalismprofessionalizeMeaning: n. football played for pay. 
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1. Smith will bow out of professional football at the end of the season.
2. In San Diego, professional football had come to town.
3. He was balding the way a lot of professional football players were balding.
4. We got a professional football coach to come and help us train the team.
5. Professional football and the Purple Heart are just two examples of where our values have declined.
6. Playing sport as opposed to watching professional football was identified with acceptance of school authority.
7. The music halls, professional football and the noisy presence of working-class people at seaside resorts on bank holidays were all attacked.
8. Justice, like professional football, is a game controlled by the rules of economics.
9. A: Did you play professional football?
10. Professional football players earn their living by playing football.
11. Professional Football in China: Orange or Sour Orange?
12. Immerse yourself in the excitement of professional football.
13. Professional football is always a big business.
14. In 1963, the National Professional Football Hall of Fame was dedicated in Canton,[] Ohio.
15. There are more professional football clubs in England than anywhere else in the world.
16. He started as a professional football player. But an injury to his knee in nineteen fifty-eight ended his short career.
17. Once again It'shows that the life of a professional football has its downs asasups.
18. Recently, I was at a professional football game supporting my favorite team.
19. Football is a game of rules, professional football is a sport has its own rules.
20. It is a notion which professional football has always been happy to promote.
21. The Superbowl is the championship game of American professional football.
22. Then you must have never seen a professional football game.
23. Jurors took less than a half-hour Thursday to clear professional football star Warren Moon of assaulting his wife.
24. In the end, the campaign worked to convince voters that professional football is good for Nashville.
25. Sport certainly responded to the demand of the urban worker for entertainment. Professional football is the obvious case.
26. One year in the 1960s, Nicholson says, Grambling had 43 players on professional football rosters.
27. I was real good at sports and I wanted to be a professional football player.
28. Then suddenly they became part of the social background like film stars or professional football players.
29. B: Like father, like son. His dad was a semi - professional football player, you know.
30. A private investigator said he has found people using sick days to go bowling, watch professional football games, attend weddings and even funerals.
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